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How to have a belly only pregnancy

Writer's picture: Amber EdmondsonAmber Edmondson

Proper dieting and exercise is easier said than done when you're pregnant. Dealing with morning sickness, food cravings, and a changing body is hard to keep up with as it is! I'm here to give you a few tips to make your pregnancy easier. I only have one child so far but I felt that my pregnancy was an easy one and I give all the credit to a clean diet and daily exercise. I admit that I did NOT always feel like working out but I did my best to push myself and I always felt better afterward.

During the first trimester, I was EXTREMELY tired and nauseated majority of the evenings. I worked full time from 7:00-4:00. My average day for the first 14 weeks of pregnancy looked something like this: come home from work, sleep for 3 hours until my husband came home, eat dinner (most days I could only stand to eat fruit), go back to bed until 5:30 the next morning. I slept A LOT! If I went to the gym 3 days a week, I was doing good! Most of the time I would just swim while my husband did his workout. Swimming is an awesome exercise when you're pregnant! For some reason, as soon as I got in the water, my nausea went away! Here are some workouts I did during the first trimester:

Workout 1: 15min walk/jog

Lower Body- 4 rounds of...

15 squats

20 Overhead lunges

15 DB Thrusters

20 Glute Bridge

Workout 2:

15min walk/jog

Upper Body: 3 Rounds of....

10 push ups

10 DB Shoulder Press

10 Burpees

10 sit ups

10 DB Snatch (each arm)

Workout 3:

15min walk/jog

Full Body: 4 Rounds

10 Reverse Lunges (each leg)

10 Russian Twists

10 Tricep Dips

10 Push Ups into Super Mans

10 Jumping Squats

Workout 4: Swim 45min (this is the workout I did the most)

The second trimester seemed like a breeze. I wasn't big and uncomfortable yet, I wasn't sick anymore, and I was able to workout 5-6 times per week. Here are some of the workouts I did in the second trimester:

Workout 1:

Warm-up walk/jog 15min

Squats 3x10

Lunges 3x20

Single Leg Leg Extension 3x10 each leg

Workout 2:

Warm-up walk/jog 15min

Push Ups 3x10

DB Tricep Extension 3x10

DB Shoulder Press 3x10

Tricep Dips 3x15

Lateral Raise 3x15

Tricep Rope Pulldown 3x15

Workout 3:

Warm-up walk/jog 15min

Deadlift 3x10

Single Leg Romanian Deadlift 3x10 each leg

Lying Leg Curl 3x15

Cable Squats 3x10

Workout 4:

Warm-up walk/jog 15min

KB Swings 3x15

Split Squats 3x10 each leg

Curtsy Lunges 3x10 each leg

Step Ups 3x10 each leg

The third trimester wasn't bad at all until the end. I still felt good as far as my health goes but I definitely started to feel the size! I started doing full body workouts in this trimester. These workouts can be done at home or at the gym. These are high intensity interval training style workouts!

Workout 1:

15 minute walk/jog warm up

4 rounds:

15 wall balls

15 KB Swings

10 each leg walking lunges

15 jumping squats

Workout 2:

15 minute walk/jog warm up

4 rounds:

10 push ups (from your knees if needed)

10 each arm DB Snatch

15 DB Bicep curl into shoulder press

15 tricep dips

Workout 3:

15 minute walk/jog warm up

4 rounds

10 each leg step ups

50 jump rope or jog in place

15 each leg side lunges

50 high knees

Workout 4:

15 minute walk/jog warm up

4 rounds

10 each leg single leg romanian deadlift

10 DB Bicep curl

10 DB Squat thrusters

20 overhead lunges

20 air squats

Workout 5:

15 minute walk/jog warm up

4 rounds

15 KB Swings

15 Glute Bridge

10 Each Side- Table Tops (on your hands and knees, extend opposite arm and leg straight out then back down. switch)

10 Half Burpees

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