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Active Mom Nutrition

Eat healthy for you. Stay active for them.

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My Story

June 19, 2019

June 19th, my son's birthday. Rewind a couple years.  Two years ago I worked at a gym in Pennsylvania as a general manager and trainer in fitness and nutrition. I competed in a few Crossfit competitions and made it to nationals in power lifting. On August 18, 2018 I married my best friend and love of my life. We had been dating for 5 and a half years and I was so ready to start my life with him! The end of October I found out I was 5 weeks pregnant! My husband was not too happy, to say the least. It took me two weeks to even tell him I was pregnant! When we finally heard his precious heartbeat in December, my husband started to get excited about starting a family. 


We found out baby was breech at my 39 week appointment. I was devastated! My heart and mind were set on having a 100% natural birth without getting an epidural. I called my husband on my way home from my appointment balling my eyes out! The good man that he is reassured me everything would be fine either way.

My sister in law told me about the Webster Technique; a natural adjustment done by chiropractors that opens up and evens the hips to give baby room to flip to head down. The next day I went to my local chiropractor to try it (I was going to try whatever I could to have a vaginal birth). The only problem was, this technique is usually done by 37 weeks because the baby is still small enough to flip. I was 39 and a half weeks so my chances were slim...long story short it didn't work. It is now August, 2019 and our baby boy, Azai, is now 7 weeks old. He's the best gift we could've ever been given! He's beautiful and healthy which is all we can ask for. I am now living my best life staying healthy and active so I can be the best mom to my baby.

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